Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Decadent Debauchery 101

It was awful.....

I actually felt dizzy. My stomach hurt. That swishy nauseous sensation when you feel like if you move the wrong way, you will regret it. I sat there wallowing in my misery, knowing I deserved every ripple of discomfort. Nonetheless, I embraced my self-pity with open arms and smiled with a quiet sense of utter satiation.

I had gone into it, fully cognizant of the consequences. Well, no, not exactly. Since it had never happened that way before, I didn't anticipate any repercussions. I had no idea that one night of such decadent debauchery could affect my body to such a degree.

I pondered my feelings.

Did I feel shame over my loss of common sense?


Remorse over allowing my body to experience such carefree abandon?

Nope, not a speck.

Sorrow over my blatant willfulness?

Nope, nary a smidgen.

Regret that walking was not an option for a brief period of time last night?

Again, nope.

Determination to enjoy such a delightful experience again some day soon?

Oh, yeah. You betcha!

I made my plans for the evening, knowing I wouldn't be able to resist such tantalizing temptation.

Who could? Why would I even want to?!?!?

You try inviting several friends over to your house and tell them that all they have to bring is themselves and something chocolate. You gaze at the luscious bounty of chocolate concoctions waiting for you on your kitchen counter and see how much restraint and common sense you actually _do_ possess.

Could you glide past the Chocolate Fudge Torte? Triple layers of soft moist chocolate cake, with chocolate fudge icing slathered upon each layer. Every tantalizing bite covered in chocolate whipped cream. With teasing bits of chocolate curls nestled in the whipped cream.

May I have one slice please?

Cozying up to the torte was the Rocky Road pie. A crisp crunchy chocolate crust, followed by a cold creamy layer of rich chocolate pudding. A mile high topping of smooth white whipped cream. Huge pieces of pecans hidden amongst the final layer of mini marshmallows. Little curls of chocolate sitting on the marshmallows, begging to be eaten.

Please, oh please, one slice, please.

Sitting in their own special pristine container was my downfall......Belgian Mini Eclairs. Made from a delicate, European style of pastry and filled with rich Bavarian custard cream. Ahhhhhhhhh! Two intensely delicious bites made the first one disappear, leaving me with no other alternative but to reach for another......and another......and oh my yesssssssssssssss....another. I lost count. My taste buds didn't want my tummy to know how many I was devouring, because it would have told me to slow down and the buds were having none of that.

Ummm.....four since they are so small. No wait! Five. Ok, make it six please.

The freshly baked brownies were so fresh and hot from the oven, oven mitts had to be worn as they were proudly carried into my home. How could I resist such home baked flavor?

One lovely warm gooey moist brownie.

A whole huge bag of peanut M & M's was sitting there, waiting for me. Cheerful chocolate crunchiness, so easy to munch on.

One of each color just isn't enough. Two of each color looks very colorful on one's plate, thankyouverymuch.

More brownies! From a local bakery. Where they load them up with wonderful wedges of walnuts, smother them in chocolate fudge icing and then happily sprinkle them with itty bitty mini M & M's. They are just so darn cute you have to have at least one.

And it looked so good with the peanut M & M's surrounding it. Decorative eatable color coordinated elegance.

Pecan Delights. Need I say more? Well, if you insist. Rich milk chocolate covering chunks of pecans, gooily stuck together by creamy golden caramel.

One please. I don't want to seem greedy.

Last but not least, the can of Reddi-Wip. CHOCOLATE whipped cream in a can!!!! Easy to squirt on anything and everything. Open your mouth and push the nozzle for instant gratification. Or add it to your Chocolate Mocha coffee. Or to your Torte, or pie, or brownies, or..........whatever you wish!

Finally, after indulging myself for hours, I had to stop. Chocolate was actually anathema to me. I was amazed when that treacherous thought came to mind. Never would I have envisioned such a possibility. As I worked through my self-induced misery, I wondered how long it would be before I once again wished to feel the sweet, melting sensation of chocolate in my mouth. Had I done irreparable damage to my ability to consume chocolate?

Alas, only time would tell......

I woke up the next morning and smiled as I spied the luscious leftovers in my fridge.


1 comment:

auntie sash said...

I had to send my minion for chocolate today. Sometimes it's the only thing that will work. My minion also gave me a huge bear hug with the chocolate, so that's nice too. (Homegrown minions can be the very best kind)