Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Walking in Clouds....

I almost didn't go because it looked like rain. I finally shrugged and considered that I knew places along the trail that would keep me dry if the little rain cloud I saw on Weatherbug actually found me.

It was eerie to drive to the very base of the mountain and not see it. The cloud cover was that low and dense. Usually, you can see Pilot Mountain for miles and miles...even from Winston-Salem and vice versa. Today, if I hadn't known it was there, I would have seriously wondered about the park sign directing me to the Pilot Mountain exit. Even as I drove onto the exit it wasn't visible. It was so surreal. Finally, as I started up the long winding road to the pinnacle, I could see tips of trees through some of the clouds.

When I reached the pinnacle it was as if I were in a land of clouds. Grey mist surrounded me in every direction. There was no way to tell where the parking lot began and ended until I approached each end.

I took the trail around the base of the big pinnacle and it was so incredibly beautiful. Mist floated among the trees and lightly coated my hair and arms. There was a totally different feel to the mountain today.

Last time I was there, the sky was such a deep vibrant blue and the sun was shining so brightly, giving everything a sharp clear edge. Today, all the edges of the quartzite boulders and cliffs had a soft patina of mist, mysterious and magical. I was the only person there and if felt as if the mountain was softly cosseting me within the clouds, causing me to focus on the trail directly surrounding me, instead of the distant view. many hues of green within the mist! Tree leaves, lichen and moss were all the more noticeable, especially on the cliff edges.

Once I meandered around the pinnacle I set off for the cliff trails. It felt good to know how to find my favorite cliff, all by myself. And it was fascinatingly different to sit on the edge, with a cool breeze blowing into my face and see nothing in front of me but a soft cloud of impenetrable grey. So instead of gazing outward, I savored the view as I looked downward....words can't capture it, so the pictures will have to suffice.

Click on Full Screen for the clearest picture.


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